Department of Urban Planning and Disaster Management

Course Requirements for Minor

輔系修讀科目 Courses 學分Credits
都市計畫概論 Introduction to Urban Planning 2
災害管理導論 Introduction to Disaster Management 2
地理資訊系統 Geographic Information Systems 2
都市計畫法規 Urban Planning Law 2
災害防救與消防法規 Disaster Management and Fire Law 2
都市災害學概論 Disaster Management and Fire Law 2
環境規劃與設計 Environmental Experience and Design Communication 2
土地法規 Land Law 2
都市交通與規畫導論 Introduction to Urban Transportation and Planning 2
都市設計 Urban Design 2
都市規劃與分析方法 Urban Planning and Analysis 2
土地使用與公共設施計劃 The plan of land use and public service 2
都市與區域減災特論 Special Topic on Hazards Mitigation 2


If a student has taken a similar course(s) before already, they don’t need to re-take it again. However, the credits for the course(s) cannot be waived. Given that Minors are required to complete 20 credits of coursework, they will be assigned other elective course(s).