All first-year students receive a course map and are notified about special requirements for obtaining a specific specialization and/or a professional certificate. This helps them to make well-informed decisions and choose courses based on their interests and career aspirations.

  • Public and Private Sector Employment
  • Employment prospects in urban planning
    • Working in private consultancy firms that specialize in planning and/or design, conducting research on urban planning and design, building design, landscape architecture, and other relevant areas of inquiry. 
    • Working in the public sector and government agencies such as the Urban and Rural Development Branch at the Construction and Planning Agency, the Department of Urban Development, the Urban and Rural Planning Development Bureau, the Office of Housing Development, and other relevant government organizations and/or urban planning commissions.
  • Employment prospects in disaster management
    • Working in government institutions such as public offices designated for disaster management and prevention that operate at the national and local levels. This job includes preparing and planning a response strategy to various natural disasters and emergencies, disaster management related tasks, assessment of climate change, risk factor analysis etc. If you prefer a job in private sector, you could consider non-governmental organizations engaged in community resilience and/or disaster prevention, or risk consultancy companies and disaster management consultancy firms, engaged in environmental monitoring, disaster assessment, risk assessment and other similar projects.
  • Earning Professional Certificates

After graduation, students who have taken and passed the required courses are eligible to sit national exams for professional certificates such as those for the professional certificate of Urban Planner, Community Planner, Fire Protection Engineer, Real Estate Agent, Environmental Engineer, etc.

  • Pursuing further education

Other than enrolling in our Master’s program, our graduates can also pursue other master’s or doctoral degree programs in various fields such as architecture, urban design, land administration, spatial planning, and disaster management either at Ming Chuan or other academic institutions.